jueves, 17 de enero de 2013


First it’s important to understand that the “Cost structures are simply the identification of how costs associated with the production of a good or service is distributed throughout the process. While some think of a cost structure as referring only to the finances utilized in the production process, a true cost structure will also take into consideration the use of all types of resources along the way. This can include costs such as labor and utilities, as well as back end costs like sales and marketing expenses[1]”.


The cost structure made in china is not different by the rest of the world but the main differences are in the numbers. While the rest of the countries which have establish labor regulation in the International Labor Organization (ILO) China haven’t done it yet, as a result many companies in the country pay low wages to their workers without any social contribution, turning the labor cost really slow comparing to other country.
In the study “The Economics of the China Price[2]” show how “the available data on wages and compensation in China is scant and of poor quality. Many enterprises regularly underreport data to avoid taxation and payments to social insurance and often keep two sets of books for “management accounts” and “tax accounts[3].”
This study show how slow is the wages in china that allows Chinas companies offer a low price product. While in the U.S the average hourly compensation is USD$23.17 in china the average is USD $0.57. There is no doubt this low compensation to workers would allow anyone to product any product at a very low price.
While in any country worldwide the cost structure the highest values are raw material and labor cost, in China the labor costs are lower and adding the high amount of raw material subsidies by the government to local producers makes china unbeatable to compete with prices.

This cost structure enable local producer makes an incredible amount of products to sell it in the international market, causing with this a huge impact in the global economy. It’s also important to say that exporters in china are highly benefit by the control made to the currency exchange by the government, this control made to the national currency also makes the products offers by the exporters stay at low prices. 


In Colombia the components that highly affect the cost structure are the labor cost, and transportation.
The high cost of the labor force affect directly the price of the products that Colombia export and sell inside the country. It’s important to know that in this country wages are low in comparison to the other Latin American countries but the cost of the social contributions makes the labor price goes up and reduce the competitive of the country.

In the other hand the lack of a modern road structure, the transportation component makes the products go high and adding that in Colombia they have the 4th highest price per gallon in the continent the scene is not the best. Another factor that affects directly the cost structure is the low access and high interest paid by the enterprises to get a loan, making the most important productive factor the capital,  be more expensive therefore causing an increase in the productive chain.

In Colombia the products made by the exporters may be a little bit more expensive than in other countries but the quality of the product, clearly talks by itself making people prefer quality rather than price.
Also it’s important to recognize that the high tariff applied for some raw material increase the price of some products inside the country and the lack of subsidies from the government is really low.


Meanwhile the excess of available labor force in China continues, the labor component in the cost structure will be low in comparison to other countries.  Also with the high amount of products they easily reach economies of scale making then be non reachable for competition in the world

In the other side, there is Colombia, a country which doesn’t have the same level of labor force but with a huge potential to produce raw materials which help reducing the final price of the products.
In Colombia the cost structure of product is really affected by the lack of a modern infrastructure that helps the country move the merchandise faster  from the producers to the ports which makes the product be more expensive and lose competitiveness in from of other countries products.

In contrast China counts with bigger roads and multimodal transportation methods that helps the producers move the merchandise easily in the country and outside it , this facility makes the product even more competitive.

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